dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
File functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
DosBufReset         Flushes the file buffers
DosChDir            Changes the current directory
DosChgFilePtr       Changes the file pointer
DosClose            Closes a file
DosCopy             Copies a file or directory
DosDelete           Deletes a file
DosDupHandle        Duplicates a handle
DosEditName         Edits a name
DosFileIO           Performs file I/O
DosFileLocks        Locks or unlocks a portion of a file
DosFindClose        Closes a search directory
DosFindFirst        Opens a search directory
DosFindFirst2       Finds first matching file
DosFindNext         Continues a search directory
DosFSAttach         Creates or destroys a file-system connection
DosFSCTL            Allows extended standard interface
DosMkDir            Creates a directory
DosMkDir2           Creates a directory
DosMove             Moves a file
DosNewSize          Changes a file's size
DosOpen             Opens or creates a file
DosOpen2            Opens or creates a file with extended attributes
DosQAppType         Retrieves the type of an executable file
DosQCurDir          Retrieves the path of the current directory
DosQCurDisk         Retrieves the letter of the current default drive
DosQFHandState      Retrieves the file handle state
DosQFileInfo        Retrieves file information
DosQFileMode        Retrieves the file mode
DosQFSAttach        Queries attached file-system information
DosQFSInfo          Retrieves file-system information
DosQHandType        Determines if a handle is to a file or device
DosQPathInfo        Queries a file or a directory for information
DosQVerify          Retrieves the write-verification mode
DosRead             Reads from a file or device
DosReadAsync        Reads asynchronously from a file or device
DosRmDir            Removes a directory
DosSearchPath       Searches a path for a file
DosSelectDisk       Selects a default disk drive
DosSetFHandState    Sets the flags for a file handle
DosSetFileInfo      Sets the time and date of a file
DosSetFileMode      Sets the file attributes of a file
DosSetFSInfo        Sets the volume label of a disk
DosSetPathInfo      Sets information for a file or subdirectory
DosSetMaxFH         Sets the maximum number of file handles
DosSetVerify        Sets write verification on or off
DosWrite            Writes to a file or device
DosWriteAsync       Writes asynchronously to a file or device