dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Named-pipe functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
DosCallNmPipe        Opens, reads from, writes to, and closes a named pipe
DosConnectNmPipe     Waits for a client to open a pipe
DosDisConnectNmPipe  Disconnects a named pipe
DosMakeNmPipe        Creates a named pipe
DosPeekNmPipe        Read pipe without removing data
DosQNmPHandState     Retrieves handle-state information
DosQNmPipeInfo       Retrieves information about a named pipe
DosQNmPipeSemState   Retrieves named-pipe semaphore information
DosSetNmPHandState   Sets handle-state information
DosSetNmPipeSem      Associates a semaphore with a named pipe
DosTransactNmPipe    Performs a transaction on a named pipe
DosWaitNmPipe        Waits for an instance of a named pipe
DosWrite             Writes to a file, device or pipe