Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software,
purely for historical purposes.
If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming,
you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully
out of date.
Set Start-up File (Alt+R,F)
■ Designates the initial execution location or start-up
file for multiple-module projects. The first executable
statement in the start-up file is always the first
statement executed.
■ If the start-up file is a form (.FRM) module, an implicit
DOEVENTS() function occurs. If the start-up file is a code
(.BAS) module, you must:
• Explicitly start a DOEVENTS loop
• Use the SHOW method to show the first form to start
the Form Designer
■ To set the start-up file:
1. Select the module you want to be the start-up file
(all loaded modules are displayed in the Choose new
Start-up file list box).
Choose new Start-up file:
2. Press Enter or choose OK to set the start-up file,
║ OK ║
or choose one of the following:
│ Cancel │ To cancel the operation
│ Help │ To get help