ex.hlp (Topic list)
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' This example uses the DELETE statement to remove records from an ISAM file.
' It creates a transaction with the BEGINTRANS and COMMITTRANS statements,
' and then uses the SAVEPOINT function and ROLLBACK statement within the
' transaction to provide rollback of any or all of the deleted records.
' Note: To run this program, you must load the ISAM TSR program PROISAM.EXE.
' Also, this program assumes a file called BOOKS.MDB exists in the current
' directory. BOOKS.MDB is a sample ISAM file that Setup copies to your disk.
' To try this example:
' 1. Choose New Project from the File menu
' 2. Copy the code example below to the code window
' 3. Press F5 to run the example
 TYPE Borrower
     Cardnum AS LONG             ' Card number
     TheName AS STRING * 36      ' Name
     Street AS STRING * 50       ' Street
     City AS STRING * 26         ' City
     State AS STRING * 2         ' State
     Zip AS LONG                 ' ZIP code
 DIM People AS Borrower          ' Record structure variable
 CONST Database = "BOOKS.MDB"    ' Name of the disk file
 CONST Tablename = "Cardholders" ' Name of the table
 CONST viewbottom = 17, viewtop = 3, msgtxt = " *** Deleted: Savepoint "
 DIM SavePts(viewbottom - viewtop + 1)
 TableNum = FREEFILE
 CLS                             ' Clear the screen
 OPEN Database FOR ISAM Borrower Tablename AS TableNum
     DO                              ' Loop until user chooses to quit
          VIEW PRINT
          CLS : COLOR 15, 0
          PRINT SPC(34); "Card Holders"
          PRINT "Card#"; SPC(2); "Name"; SPC(13); "Street";
          PRINT SPC(20); "City"; SPC(6); "State"; SPC(2); "Zip"
          LOCATE 24, 1: PRINT "Choose a key:    ";
          PRINT "D - Delete this record    N - Next record    Q - Quit";
          MOVEFIRST TableNum
          VIEW PRINT viewtop TO viewbottom: COLOR 7, 0: CLS
          vPos = viewtop
          DO                         ' Loop through a screenful of records
              ' For each record, display and ask user what to do with it
              RETRIEVE TableNum, People
              LOCATE vPos, 1
              PRINT USING ("#####"); People.Cardnum;
              PRINT "  "; LEFT$(People.TheName, 15); "  ";
              PRINT LEFT$(People.Street, 25); "  ";
              PRINT LEFT$(People.City, 10); "  "; People.State; "   ";
              PRINT USING ("#####"); People.Zip
              validkeys$ = "DNQ"           ' Get keystroke from user
                  keychoice$ = UCASE$(INKEY$)
              LOOP WHILE INSTR(validkeys$, keychoice$) = 0 OR keychoice$ = ""
              SELECT CASE keychoice$       ' Process keystroke
              CASE "D"
                  IF NOT inTransaction THEN
                      inTransaction = -1
              END IF
                  NumSavePts = NumSavePts + 1
                  SavePts(NumSavePts) = SAVEPOINT
                  DELETE TableNum
                  LOCATE vPos, 7: PRINT msgtxt; NumSavePts; SPC(79 - POS(0));
              CASE "Q"
                  EXIT DO
              CASE "N"
                  MOVENEXT TableNum
              END SELECT
              vPos = vPos + 1
          LOOP UNTIL EOF(TableNum) OR vPos = viewbottom
          ' If user didn't delete any records, simply quit
          IF NumSavePts = 0 THEN EXIT DO
          ' Allow user to commit deletions, or roll back some or all of them
          VIEW PRINT: LOCATE 24, 1: PRINT "Choose a key:    ";
          PRINT "R - Rollback to a savepoint   A - Rollback all deletions"
          PRINT SPC(17); "Q - commit deletions and Quit";
          validkeys$ = "RAQ"
              keychoice$ = UCASE$(INKEY$)
          LOOP WHILE INSTR(validkeys$, keychoice$) = 0 OR keychoice$ = ""
          SELECT CASE keychoice$
          CASE "R"
              VIEW PRINT 24 TO 25: PRINT : PRINT
                  PRINT "Roll back to which savepoint ( 1 -"; NumSavePts; ")";
                  INPUT RollbackPt
              LOOP UNTIL RollbackPt > 0 AND RollbackPt <= NumSavePts
              ROLLBACK SavePts(RollbackPt)
              NumSavePts = RollbackPt - 1
          CASE "A"
              NumSavePts = 0
              ROLLBACK ALL
          CASE "Q"
              EXIT DO
          END SELECT
     IF inTransaction THEN COMMITTRANS