ex.hlp (Topic list)
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GET and PUT Statements (Graphics) Example
                        Example                Contents  Index  Back
' This example uses GET to put a spaceship graphic into an array. The PUT
' statement is then used to display the ship array in different locations
' depending on user input.
' To try this example:
' 1. Choose New Project from the File menu
' 2. Copy the code example below to the code window
' 3. Press F5 to run the example
 CONST g = .01                   ' Gravity
 CONST vThrust = .005            ' Horizontal thrust
 CONST hThrust = .01             ' Vertical thrust
' Calculate size of array for ship array.
 arraybytes = 4 + INT(((60 - 40 + 1) * 1 + 7) / 8) * 1 * ((60 - 50) + 1)
 DIM ship(arraybytes / 2) AS INTEGER
 LINE (50, 50)-(40, 60)              ' Draw ship
 LINE (40, 60)-(60, 60)
 LINE (60, 60)-(50, 50)
 GET (40, 50)-(60, 60), ship         ' Get ship image into array
 X = 310: Y = 10                     ' Set initial conditions
 vx = 0: vy = 0
 ax = 0: ay = g
 PRINT " i"                          ' Print help keys
 PRINT "j k"
 PRINT " m"
 LOCATE 25, 1                        ' Print initial conditions
 PRINT "ax="; USING "+#.###    "; ax;
 PRINT "ay="; USING "+#.###    "; ay;
 LINE (0, 190)-(639, 190)
 PUT (X, Y), ship, PSET              ' Draw ship
     vx = vx + ax: vy = vy + ay      ' Calculate velocity
     newx = X + vx: newy = Y + vy    ' Calculate new x and y position
     PUT (X, Y), ship, XOR           ' Erase ship at current position
     PUT (newx, newy), ship, PSET    ' Draw ship at new location
     X = newx: Y = newy
     a$ = INKEY$                     ' Check keys
     CASE "m", "i", "j", "k":
         SELECT CASE a$
         CASE "m":                   ' Down key
             ay = ay + vThrust
         CASE "i":                   ' Up key
             ay = ay - vThrust
         CASE "j":                   ' Left key
             ax = ax - hThrust
         CASE "k":                   ' Right key
             ax = ax + hThrust
         END SELECT
     LOCATE 25, 1                            ' Print accelerations
     PRINT "ax="; USING "+#.###    "; ax;
     PRINT "ay="; USING "+#.###    "; ay;
     LOCATE 25, 40                           ' Print velocities
     PRINT "vx="; USING "+##.###    "; vx;
     PRINT "vy="; USING "+#.###"; vy;
 LOOP UNTIL Y > 180 OR ERR <> 0              ' Loop until landed or crashed
 IF ERR <> 0 OR vy > .2 THEN                 ' Crashed if velocity is greater
     CLS                                     ' than .2 or if ship went off
     LOCATE 12, 33: PRINT "You crashed!"     ' screen
     LOCATE 12, 33: PRINT "You made it!"