ex.hlp (Topic list)
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Trigonmetric Functions Example
                        Example                Contents  Index  Back
' The example shows how ATN, COS, SIN, and TAN can be used to derive other
' trigonometric functions.
' To try this example:
' 1. Choose New Project from the File menu
' 2. Copy the code example below to the code window
' 3. Press F5 to run the example
 CLS                                    ' Clear the screen
 PI# = 3.14159265359#                   ' Value for Pi
 X# = PI# / 4#                          ' 45 degrees/pass angle in radians
 Sec# = 1 / COS(X#)                     ' Calculates Secant
 PRINT "Secant:", Sec#
 Csc# = 1 / SIN(X#)                     ' Calculates CoSecant
 PRINT "CoSecant:", Csc#
 Cot# = 1 / TAN(X#)                     ' Calculates CoTangent
 PRINT "CoTangent:", Cot#
 Arcsin# = ATN(X# / SQR(1 - X# * X#))   ' Calculates ArcSin
 PRINT "ArcSin:", Arcsin#
' To convert from Degrees to Radians multiply Degrees by PI#/180.
' To convert from Radians to Degrees multiply Radians by 180/PI#.