PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  Syntax: void DoStatusBox (char far *Text1, char far *Text2);
  See:   DoMessage, DoMessageBox, DoMessageBoxHelp, PopUpBox, ReadChar,
     DoStatusBox displays a message in a box that has no buttons. The
     first argument string is centered in the box, and the box is scaled
     to the size of the longest string.
     You can use DoStatusBox to display an initialization message while
     an extension loads, or to display progress information while
     performing a time-consuming operation.
     If both arguments are NULL, the status box is closed.
     If the first argument is NULL, the second string in the box is
     changed while the existing first string is retained. Use this form
     of the DoStatusBox function for incremental progress indicators.
     If the second argument is NULL, a one-line status box is displayed.