PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax: void EnablePwbMenuItem (WORD idItem, unsigned short fState);
  See:     CheckPwbMenuItem, EnablePwbMenuItem, IdAddPwbMenuItem,
           IdFindPwbMenuItem, RecordPwbMenuItem, SetPwbMenuItemTitle,
     EnablePwbMenuItem sets the availability of the specifed menu item.
     Argument   Description
     <idItem>   The ID of the menu item.
     <fState>   The availability of the menu item, as follows:
                TRUE    The menu item is available.
                FALSE   The menu item is unavailable. It appears dimmed
                        in the menu, and PWB does not allow the item to
                        be executed.