PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  PSWI FindSwitch( char far *SwitchName );
  Returns: A pointer to the specified switch, or NULL if no switch is
  See:     NameToKeys, NameToFunc
     FindSwitch finds the switch called <SwitchName> and returns a PSWI
     value, which points to a switch structure that describes the
     switch. The switch structure that has the following members:
     Member Type    Name   Description
     char far *     name   Switch name
     int            type   Switch type
     swiAct         act    Switch data
     The last member varies depending on the value of the type field, as
     type           Switch Data
     SWI_NUMERIC    int      far *ival
     SWI_BOOLEAN    flagType far *fval
     SWI_EXTTEXT    PIF           pExtFunc
     SWI_SPECIAL    PIF_S         pFunc
     SWI_SPECIAL2   PIF_S2        pFunc2
     (other)        The switch data is not available to extensions.
     You can use FindSwitch to find the value of a predefined numeric
     or Boolean switch. For example:
          PSWI pswi = FindSwitch( "rmargin" );
          RightMargin = *(pswi->act.ival);
     To get the value of a SWI_EXTTEXT text switch, call the switch
     function with the arguments NULL and TRUE. For example:
          PSWI pswi = FindSwitch( "ExString" );
          pszExStrVal = (pswi->act.pExtFunc)( NULL, TRUE );
     For SWI_SPECIAL and SWI_SPECIAL2 text switches, FindSwitch returns
     a pointer to a function that sets the switch. The actual value of
     the switch cannot be found.
     You cannot get the value of certain PWB switches. These switches
     have a type that is not one of the SWI_... constants shown
     previously. The values of the following switches are unavailable to
     extensions through the use of FindSwitch:
     Backup       Defwinstyle    Height       Printcmd    Traillinesdisp
     Build        Enablealtgr    Hike         Readonly    User
     Color        Enterselmode   Infodialog   Tabdisp     Vscroll
     Cursormode   Factor         Load         Tabstops    Width
     Dblclick     Fastfunc       Markfile     Traildisp   Word
     Deflang      Filetab        Mousemode
     Color values may be found indirectly by using GetColor.
     Switch Table