PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  PWND GenEditSubWindow( PWND Parent, WORD Height, ISA Color,
                                  WORD Type,   WORD Flags);
  Returns: A window handle for a new subwindow. PNULL if the specified
           type already exists or the subwindow could not be created.
  See:     GetEditSubwindow, SetSubWinHeight, SetSubWinPFile,
     The GenEditSubWindow function creates a new subwindow for the
     specified parent window. To close a subwindow, pass the subwindow
     handle to CloseWnd.
     Argument    Description
     <Parent>    Parent window for the subwindow.
     <Height>    Number of lines occupied by the subwindow.
     <Color>     Color index for the subwindow contents.
     <Type>      Type of subwindow, as follows:
                 Type              Subwindow
                 0                 Invalid, or any type.
                 1 (SW_BUILDERR)   Build error window.
                 2                 Freeze zone.
                 3──0x7FFF         Reserved for PWB internal use.
                 0x8000──0xFFFF    Free for extension use.
     <Flags>     Two bit flags that specify the behavior of the cursor
                 and the position of the subwindow in the parent window,
                 as follows:
                 SWF_CURSOR   Determines if cursor can appear in the
                              subwindow. If set, the cursor can enter
                              the subwindow. If cleared, the cursor
                              cannot move into the subwindow, and the
                              parent window scrolls.
                 SWF_TOP      Determines the position of the subwindow
                              in the parent window. If set, the
                              subwindow appears at the top of the parent
                              window. If cleared, appears at the bottom.
     Once you have created a subwindow, you can modify its appearance
     using the other subwindow functions:
     To:                                          Use:
     Place a file in the subwindow                SetSubWinPFile
     Change the displayed position in the file    SetSubWinView
     Change the height of a subwindow             SetSubWinHeight
     Get the handle for an existing subwindow     GetEditSubwindow