PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  int GetString( char far *Response, char far *Prompt,
                          flagType fDefault );
  Returns: True when the user chooses Cancel, otherwise false.
  See:     ReadChar, DoMessageBox, DoMessageBoxHelp, SelectFile,
           SelectFiles, PWB Text Argument Dialog Box
     GetString prompts the user for a string with the Text Argument
     dialog box and optionally provides a default response. The user can
     type a string in the text box and then press ENTER, or choose the
     Cancel button.
     Argument     Description
     <Response>   String that receives the string typed by the user.
                  When <fDefault> is TRUE, the <Response> string also
                  gives the default response.
                  The <Response> character array should be large enough
                  to handle the longest expected return value. The
                  longest possible string that can be returned is BUFLEN
                  characters long.
     <Prompt>     Caption for the query box.
     <fDefault>   Indicates whether to use a default response. If TRUE,
                  PWB places the <Response> string in the text box and
                  selects it.