PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  PCMD NameToFunc( char far *Name );
  Returns: PCMD for the specified name, or NULL if no function or macro
           has the given name.
  See:     FindSwitch, GetListEntry, NameToKeys, PCMD, ScanList
     The NameToFunc function returns information about a function or
     macro. The <Name> is the name of the function or macro to find.
     It is possible for an extension to define a name that conflicts
     with another extension, or with PWB. To find only a specific
     extension function, use a name of the form:

     Where <ext> is the base name of the extension executable file, and
     <name> is the name of the extension function. To find only a PWB
     function or macro, specify:

     If PWB has been renamed, you must use the new name of the editor.
     See: GetEditorObject, RQ_NAME