PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Get/SetEditorObject: Miscellaneous Requests
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The GetEditorObject and SetEditorObject functions can access
     miscellaneous PWB information.
     The <info> and <qual> arguments specify the type of information to
     return or modify and any additional data needed to fulfill the
     request. The <pDest> argument is the address of a variable for the
     <info>          <qual>  <pDest>
     RQ_COLOR        0       Get: Address of color table
     RQ_COLOR|<n>    <val>   Set: New value for color <n> (NULL pDest)
     RQ_CLIP         0       Get: Get clipboard type
     RQ_CLIP         <type>  Set: Set clipboard type (NULL pDest)
                             The clipboard type is one of LINEARG,
                             BOXARG, or STREAMARG.
     RQ_TOOLSINI     0       PFILE of TOOLS.INI; PNULL if PWB started
                             with /D or /DT (get only)
     RQ_NAME         0       Name of PWB (get only)
     RQ_SCREENSIZE   0       Screen size (sl) (get only)
     RQ_SEARCHINFO   0       Pointer to SearchInfo structure (get only)
     If you put text on the clipboard with PutLine, you must set the
     clipboard type so that the text can be pasted properly. To set the
     type of text on the clipboard, use the following call:
          ClipType = BOXARG;  //BOXARG, LINEARG, or STREAMARG
          SetEditorObject( RQ_CLIP, ClipType, NULL );
     To modify the search information, use GetEditorObject to get a
     pointer to the global PWB searchInfo structure and modify the
     structure directly. For an example, see the ISEARCH.C sample