PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  flagType RemoveFile( PFILE pfFile );
  Returns: True if successful, otherwise false.
  See:     DelFile, fChangeFile, FileNameToHandle, FileRead, FileWrite,
           fSetWindowWithFile, GetPfileFromName, pFileToBottom,
           pFileToTop, RemoveFile, Using Files
     RemoveFile closes the file specified by <pFile> by removing the
     file buffer and all its data from memory.
     RemoveFile is the opposite of AddFile. AddFile initializes a new
     buffer; RemoveFile deletes an existing buffer. RemoveFile does not
     force the writing of the file buffer to disk. You should always do
     a FileWrite before doing a RemoveFile unless you want to discard
     any modifications done to the file.
     NOTE: RemoveFile does not delete the file from disk. It only
           cancels the knowledge PWB has of the file.