PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax: void SetSubWinView( PWND SubWindow, LINE y, COL x );
  See:    GenEditSubWindow, GetEditSubWindow, SetSubWinHeight,
          SetSubWinPFile, SetSubWinView
     The SetSubWinView function changes the view on the file for the
     specified subwindow. The new view shows the specified line and
     column in the top-left corner of the subwindow. A file must already
     have been attached to the subwindow with SetSubWinPFile.
     Argument       Description
     <SubWindow>    Subwindow handle.
     <y>            Zero-based line number.
     <x>            Zero-based column number.