PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  flagType fChangeFile( flagType fShortName, char far *Name );
  Returns: True if the change was successful, otherwise false.
  See:     DelFile, FileNameToHandle, FileRead, FileWrite,
           fSetWindowWithFile, GetPfileFromName, pFileToBottom,
           pFileToTop, RemoveFile, Using Files
     The fChangeFile function changes the current file, drive, or
     directory to the specified <Name>. When fShortName is TRUE, it
     performs the same operation as the command Arg <FileName> Setfile.
     See: PWB Setfile Function
     When <fShortName> is TRUE, <Name> can be a base name only. PWB
     searches for the first file in memory with the specified base name.
     No PFILE is returned. If the extension needs to access the file by
     handle, it must get the handle with FileNameToHandle or