PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  flagType pfFileToTop   ( PFILE pfFile );
           flagType pfFileToBottom( PFILE pfFile );
  See:     DelFile, fChangeFile, FileNameToHandle, FileRead, FileWrite,
           fSetWindowWithFile, GetPfileFromName, RemoveFile
           Using Files
     The pfFileToTop function makes the file specified by <pfFile> the
     current file and displays it in the active window. The file moves
     to the top of the file instance list for the active window (its
     file history).
     The pfFileToBottom function moves the file specified by <pfFile> to
     the end of the file instance list for the active window. If the
     specified file is the current file, the next file in the list
     replaces it as the current file.
     NOTE: In PWB 1.x, these functions modified the global list of files
           that are open in PWB. In PWB 2.00, they modify only the
           instance list for the active window.