PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
winContents, winColors
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Type/Member             Description
     winColors               Window Colors
         ISA text                Text color
         ISA border              Border color
     winContents             Window information
         PFILE pfFile            Handle of file in window
         ARC   arcWin            Screen location of window
         fl    flPos             File position at upper left of window
         fl    flCursor          Cursor position
         WORD  id                Window number
         WORD  flags             Window flags:
                                 Bit Mask     Description
                                 WF_PWB       Window is a PWB window
                                 WF_ICONIC    Window is an icon
                                 WF_ZOOMED    Window is maximized
                                 WF_OPEN      Window is open
                                 WF_CURRENT   Window is active window
                                 WF_POPUP     Window is a pop-up window
         winColors colors    Window colors
     ARC, fl, ISA