PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Processing Text in Extensions
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Text can be manipulated at various levels in PWB extensions. Some
     of the most common tasks are described below:
       ■  Insert or overwrite text on a character-by-character basis
          using Replace.
       ■  Modify text on a line-by-line basis by getting the text into a
          buffer with GetLine, modifying the buffer, then putting the
          text back with PutLine.
       ■  Insert lines of text in a two-step process. First use CopyLine
          to insert blank lines of text, then use PutLine to put new
          text on the lines.
       ■  Copy text from one file to another as boxes, streams, or
          See: CopyBox, CopyLine, CopyStream
       ■  Delete text as boxes, streams, or lines.
          See: DelBox, DelLine, DelStream
       ■  Some copy operations must be done indirectly by using a
          temporary pseudofile such as the clipboard. You cannot copy a
          group of lines from one section of a file to another, but you
          can copy the lines to a pseudofile, then copy the lines from
          the pseudofile to the new location.
     NOTE: Column and line numbers are zero-based in an extension.