fl.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Line Size (/Sl) and Page Size (/Sp)
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─────Line Size (/Sl) and Page Size (/Sp)────────────────────────────────────
     The /Sl and /Sp options control the line size and page size of
     source listings, respectively.
     Syntax: /Sl[ ]linesize
             /Sp[ ]pagesize
     The default line size for source listings is 79 columns, and the
     page size is 63 lines. They are valid only if you also specify
     the /Fs option on the FL command line. The space between /Sl and
     <linesize>, or /Sp and <pagesize>, is optional.
     The <linesize> argument gives the width of the listing line in
     columns (on line printers, columns usually correspond to
     characters). The number given must be a positive integer from 79
     to 132. Any line that exceeds the listing width is truncated.
     The <pagesize> argument gives the number of lines on each page of
     the listing. The minimum is 15.
     The /Sl or /Sp option applies to the remainder of the command line
     or until the next occurrence of /Sl or /Sp on the command line.
     See Also: $LINESIZE