fl.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Controlling Optional Features
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─────Controlling Optional Features──────────────────────────────────────────
     The following options disable and enable Microsoft extensions to
     the FORTRAN language.
     Option         Effect
     /4{Y | N}s     Disables (Y) or enables (N) all Microsoft FORTRAN
     /4{Y | N}i     Enables (Y) only SAA extensions; disables (N) full
                    Microsoft FORTRAN extensions
     /4{Y | N}v     Enables (Y) only VAX extensions; disables (N) full
                    Microsoft FORTRAN extensions
     /4{Y | N}V     Enables (Y) only IBM VS extensions; disables (N)
                    full Microsoft FORTRAN extensions
     Microsoft FORTRAN includes many optional features that are not
     part of ANSI-standard FORTRAN. All these extensions are normally
     available by default. To disable all of them, use the /4Ys
     command-line option. Any language feature which is not part of
     the strict FORTRAN 77 definition is then tagged by the compiler
     as an error.
     Many Microsoft FORTRAN extensions fall into one of three
        ■ IBM SAA (Systems Application Architecture) extensions
        ■ DEC VAX extensions
        ■ IBM VS FORTRAN extensions.
     To simplify porting code from an SAA or VAX environment to a
     personal computer, you can disable all Microsoft FORTRAN
     extensions, leaving enabled only the SAA extensions, the VAX
     extensions, and the IBM VS extensions.