fl.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
The Debug Option
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─────The Debug Option───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The debug option controls extended error handling at run time. It
     provides information to be used by the error-handling system in
     the program file.
     Syntax: /4{Y | N}b
     When the debug option is enabled, loop optimization in the
     program is disabled.
     Debugging is enabled by giving the /4Yb option and disabled with
     /4Nb. By default, debugging is disabled.
          FL MAIN.FOR /4Yb /Fs TEST.FOR
     The example above compiles and links two files. Debugging is
     enabled for TEST.FOR, and a source listing named TEST.LST is
     created. Neither the debugging option nor the source-listing
     option applies to MAIN.FOR.
     See Also: $DEBUG