fl.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Titles (/St) and Subtitles (/Ss)
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─────Titles (/St) and Subtitles (/Ss)───────────────────────────────────────
     The /St and /Ss options set the title and subtitle, respectively,
     for source listings.
     Syntax: /St[ ]"title"
             /Ss[ ]"subtitle"
     The quotation marks around the <title> or <subtitle> argument can
     be omitted if the title or subtitle does not contain tabs or
     spaces. The space between /St and "title", or /Ss and
     "subtitle", is optional.
     The <title> appears in the upper-left corner of each page of the
     source listing. The <subtitle> appears below the title.
     The /St or /Ss option applies to the remainder of the command line
     or until the next occurrence of /St or /Ss on the command line.
     These options take effect only when the /Fs option is also given.
     See Also: $TITLE