forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
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     Returns the properties of a unit or external file.
     INQUIRE ({[UNIT=]unitspec | FILE=file}
     [ , ACCESS=access]
     [ , BINARY=binary]
     [ , BLANK=blank]
     [ , BLOCKSIZE=blocksize]
     [ , DIRECT=direct]
     [ , ERR=errlabel]
     [ , EXIST=exist]
     [ , FORM=form]
     [ , FORMATTED=formatted]
     [ , IOSTAT=iocheck]
     [ , IOFOCUS=focus]
     [ , MODE=mode]
     [ , NAME=name]
     [ , NAMED=named]
     [ , NEXTREC=nextrec]
     [ , NUMBER=num]
     [ , OPENED=opened]
     [ , RECL=recl]
     [ , SEQUENTIAL=seq]
     [ , SHARE=share]
     [ , UNFORMATTED=unformatted])
     If UNIT= is omitted, <unitspec> must be the first parameter. The
     parameters can otherwise appear in any order.
     Parameter       Description
     unitspec        An integer expression or an asterisk (*) specifying
                     an external unit. If UNIT = * is specified, you may
                     not include the NUMBER= option. <unitspec> or <file>
                     must be specified, but not both. If <unitspec> is
                     given, the inquiry is "by-unit."
     file            A character expression containing the name of a
                     file. <unitspec> or <file> must be specified, but
                     not both. If <file> is given, the inquiry is
     access          A character variable that returns 'SEQUENTIAL' or
                     'DIRECT' depending on the file's access type. In an
                     inquire-by-unit operation, if no file is connected
                     to <unitspec>, <access> is undefined.
     binary          A character variable, array element, or structure
                     element. Is set to 'YES' if binary is among the
                     allowable forms for the specified file or unit.
                     Is set to 'NO' or 'UNKNOWN' otherwise.
     blank           A character variable that returns 'NULL' if the BN
                     edit descriptor is in effect. Returns 'ZERO' if BZ
                     is in effect.
     blocksize       An integer variable that returns the I/O buffer
                     size if the unit or file is connected. If it is not
                     connected, <blocksize> is undefined.
     direct          A character variable that returns 'YES' if direct
                     is among the allowable access modes. Returns 'NO'
                     or 'UNKNOWN' otherwise.
     errlabel        The label of an executable statement in
                     the same program unit. An I/O error causes
                     transfer of control to the statement at
                     <errlabel>. If <errlabel> is omitted, the
                     effect of an I/O error is determined by the
                     presence or absence of <iocheck>.
     exist           A logical variable that returns .TRUE. if the unit
                     or file exists or .FALSE. otherwise.
     focus           A logical value. If the value is .TRUE., the
                     child window receives focus prior to each
                     READ or WRITE to that unit.
     form            A character variable that returns 'FORMATTED' if
                     the unit or file is connected for formatted I/O,
                     'UNFORMATTED' for unformatted I/O, and 'BINARY' for
                     binary I/O.
     formatted       A character variable that returns 'YES' if
                     formatted is an allowable form. Returns 'NO' or
                     'UNKNOWN' otherwise.
     iocheck         An integer variable that returns zero if there
                     is no error, or the error number if an error occurs.
     iofocus         A logical variable, array element, or structure
                     element that returns a value of .TRUE. if the
                     specified unit has the current I/O focus (is
                     the active window) in a QuickWin application.
                     If the unit does not have the current I/O focus,
                     the return value is .FALSE.
     mode            A character variable, that returns the current mode
                     status. Possible modes are: OPEN statement: 'READ',
                     'WRITE', and 'READWRITE'. If no file is connected in
                     an inquire-by-unit operation, <mode> is undefined.
     name            A character variable that returns the name of the
                     file connected to <unitspec> in an inquire-by-unit
                     operation. If no file is connected, or if the file
                     does not have a name, <name> is undefined. In an
                     inquire-by-file operation, returns the name of the
     named           A logical variable that returns .FALSE. if the file
                     unit is not open or if it is a scratch file; returns
                     .TRUE. otherwise.
     nextrec         An integer variable that returns the record
                     number of the next record in a direct-access
     num             An integer variable that returns the number of
                     the unit connected to <file>. If no unit is
                     defined in an inquire-by file operation, <num>
                     is undefined. Do not include this option if you
                     specify UNIT = * or a run-time error occurs.
     opened          A logical variable that in an inquire-by-unit
                     operation, returns .TRUE. if a file is currently
                     connected or returns .FALSE. otherwise. In an
                     inquire-by-file operation, it returns .TRUE. if
                     <file> is currently connected to any unit, or
                     .FALSE. otherwise.
     recl            An integer variable that returns the length, in
                     bytes, of each record in a direct-access file.
     seq             A character variable that returns 'YES' if
                     sequential is an allowable access mode. Returns 'NO'
                     or 'UNKNOWN' otherwise.
     share           A character variable that returns the current share
                     status. Possible status values are: 'COMPAT',
                     'DENYRW', 'DENYWR', 'DENYRD', and 'DENYNONE'. If
                     no file is connected in an inquire-by-unit
                     operation, <share> is undefined.
     unformatted     A character variable that returns 'YES' if
                     unformatted is an allowable form. Returns 'NO' or
                     'UNKNOWN' otherwise.
     INQUIRE returns the attributes of an open file.
     If a parameter is an expression that calls a function, that function
     must not execute an I/O statement or the EOF intrinsic function.
     Calling these functions causes unpredictable results.
     C     This program prompts for the name of a data file. The INQUIRE
     C     statement then determines whether or not the file exists.
     C     If it does not, the program prompts for another file name.
           CHARACTER*12  fname
           LOGICAL       exists
     C     Get the name of a file:
       100 WRITE (*, '(1X, A\)') 'Enter the file name: '
           READ  (*, '(A)') fname
     C     INQUIRE about file's existence:
           INQUIRE (FILE = fname, EXIST = exists)
           IF (.NOT. exists) THEN
              WRITE (*,'(2A/)') ' > Cannot find file ', fname
              GOTO 100
           END IF