forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
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─────RETURN ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Returns control to the calling program unit.
     RETURN [ordinal]
     Parameter          Description
     ordinal            An integer constant specifying the position
                        of an alternate-return label.
     RETURN terminates execution of the enclosing subroutine or
     function. END in a function or subroutine has the same effect as
     If the actual arguments of a CALL contain alternate-return
     specifiers, RETURN can return control to a specific statement.
     Alternate-returns work only with subroutines. They cannot appear
     in a function.
     A RETURN statement in the main program is treated as a STOP
     statement with no <message> parameter.
     See Also: CALL
     C     This subroutine loops until you type "Y":
           SUBROUTINE Loop
           CHARACTER in
        10 READ (*, '(A)') in
           IF (in .EQ. 'Y') RETURN
           GOTO 10
     C     RETURN implied by the following statement:
     The following example demonstrates the alternate-return feature:
     01 CALL AltRet (i, *10, j, *20, *30)
           WRITE (*, *) 'normal return'
           GOTO 40
        10 WRITE (*, *) 'I = 10'
           GOTO 40
        20 WRITE (*, *) 'I = 20'
           GOTO 40
        30 WRITE (*, *) 'I = 30'
        40 CONTINUE
           SUBROUTINE AltRet (i, *, j, *, *)
           IF (i .EQ. 10)  RETURN 1
           IF (i .EQ. 20)  RETURN 2
           IF (i .EQ. 30)  RETURN 3
     In this example, RETURN 1 specifies the list's first
     alternate-return label, which is a symbol for the actual argument
     *10 in the CALL statement. RETURN 2 specifies the second
     alternate-return label, and RETURN 3 specifies the third
     alternate-return label.