forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
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─────SELECT CASE...END SELECT───────────────────────────────────────────────
     Transfers program control to a selected block statement, determined
     by the value of a test expression.
     SELECT CASE (testexpr)
          CASE (expressionlist)
          [CASE (expressionlist)
          [CASE DEFAULT
     Parameter          Description
     testexpr           An INTEGER, LOGICAL, or CHARACTER*1
     expressionlist     A list of values, which must be constant and
                        must match the data type of <testexpr>. If
                        <testexpr> matches one of the values, the
                        following <statementblock> is executed.
     statementblock     One or more executable statements.
     <Expressionlist> can include an individual value, a range of
     values separated by a colon, or a combination of the two.
     Separate multiple entries with commas. In a range, the lower
     bound must be smaller than the upper bound. Omitting the lower
     bound includes all values less than or equal to the upper bound.
     Omitting the upper bound includes all values greater than or
     equal to the lower bound.
     The compiler allows only one CASE DEFAULT in a SELECT CASE block.
     If <testexpr> does not match any <expressionlist> value, execution
     passes to the next statement after END SELECT.
     It is illegal to branch into a SELECT CASE block from outside, or
     to branch from one CASE section to another.
           CHARACTER*1  cmdchar
           SELECT CASE (cmdchar)
              CASE ('0')
                 WRITE (*, *) "Must retrieve one to nine files"
              CASE ('1':'9')
                 CALL RetrieveNumFiles (cmdchar)
              CASE ('A', 'd')
                  CALL AddEntry
              CASE ('D', 'd')
                 CALL DeleteEntry
              CASE ('H', 'h')
                 CALL Help
              CASE ('R':'T', 'r':'t')
                 WRITE (*, *) "REDUCE, SPREAD and TRANSFER commands ",
          +      "not yet supported"
              CASE DEFAULT
                 WRITE (*, *) "Command not recognized; please "
          +      "re-enter"
           END SELECT