forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
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C  Program to draw star-shaped polygons
           INCLUDE 'FGRAPH.FI'
           INCLUDE 'FGRAPH.FD'
           INTEGER*2              status, side, r, draw
           INTEGER*2              offset, mode
           REAL                   pi
           DOUBLE PRECISION       rad
           RECORD / xycoord /     poly [FAR] (5)
           RECORD / xycoord /     oldorigin
           RECORD / videoconfig / vc
           DATA pi / 3.14159 /
C  Set graphics mode, find dimensions, set origin
           status = setvideomode( $MAXRESMODE )
           CALL getvideoconfig( vc )
           CALL setvieworg( 0, vc.numypixels / 2, oldorigin )
           offset = INT2( vc.numxpixels / 7 )
C  Calculate the points of the star (every 144 degrees)
           r = 90
           DO draw = 1, 5   ! Begin draw loop
           DO side = 1, 5
                 rad = 144 * pi / 180
                 poly(side).xcoord = INT2( COS( side*rad ) *r ) + draw*offse
                 poly(side).ycoord = INT2( SIN( side*rad ) *r )
           END DO
C        Set the write mode
                 IF (draw .EQ. 1) status = setwritemode( $GOR )
                 IF (draw .NE. 1) THEN
                   mode = getwritemode()
                   SELECT CASE ( mode )
                         CASE (0)
                           status = setwritemode( $GAND    )
                         CASE (1)
                           status = setwritemode( $GPRESET )
                         CASE (2)
                           status = setwritemode( $GPRSET  )
                         CASE (3)
                           status = setwritemode( $GXOR    )
                   END SELECT
                 END IF
C        Set a color and draw the polygon
                 status = setcolor( draw )
                 status = polygon( $GFILLINTERIOR, poly, 5 )
           END DO        ! End draw loop
           READ( *, * )  ! Wait for user to press ENTER
C  Exit the program
           status = setvideomode( $DEFAULTMODE )