gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Bitmap functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
GpiBitBlt                    Copies bitmaps
GpiCreateBitmap              Creates a bitmap
GpiDeleteBitmap              Deletes a bitmap
GpiImage                     Draws an image
GpiLoadBitmap                Loads a bitmap from a resource
GpiPtVisible                 Determines whether a point is visible
GpiQueryBitmapBits           Copies bitmap image data to a buffer
GpiQueryBitmapDimension      Retrieves the dimensions of a bitmap
GpiQueryBitmapHandle         Retrieves the handle to a bitmap
GpiQueryBitmapParameters     Retrieves bitmap parameters
GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats  Retrieves bitmap formats
GpiQueryPel                  Retrieves the color of a specified pel
GpiQuerySetIds               Retrieves information about fonts
GpiSetBitmap                 Sets a bitmap
GpiSetBitmapBits             Sets the bits of a bitmap
GpiSetBitmapDimension        Sets the dimensions of a bitmap
GpiSetBitmapId               Sets a bitmap identifier
GpiSetPel                    Sets the color of a pel
GpiWCBitBlt                  Copies a bitmap to a presentation space
WinDrawBitmap                Draws a bitmap
WinGetSysBitmap              Retrieves a handle to a standard system bitmap