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DevPostDeviceModes (1.2)
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#define INCL_DEV
LONG DevPostDeviceModes(hab, pbDriverData, pszDriverName, achDeviceName,
    pszName, flOptions)
HAB hab;                   /* anchor-block handle                      */
PDRIVDATA pbDriverData;    /* pointer to buffer for data               */
PSZ pszDriverName;         /* pointer to string for driver name        */
PSZ achDeviceName;         /* pointer to device name                   */
PSZ pszName;               /* pointer to string for output device name */
ULONG flOptions;           /* specifies various options                */
The DevPostDeviceModes function causes a device driver to post a dialog box
so the user can set options for the device (resolution, font cartridges, and
so on).
The application can call this function first with a NULL data pointer to
determine how much storage is needed for the data buffer. It then calls the
function a second time to have the buffer filled with data. You can then
pass the returned data to the DevOpenDC function as the buffer data pointed
to by the pbDriverData parameter.
Parameter      Description
hab            Identifies the anchor block.
pbDriverData   Points to the data buffer that receives device data defined
               by the driver. If this parameter is NULL, the function
               returns the required buffer size. The format of the data is
               the same as for the pbData parameter of the DevOpenDC
pszDriverName  Points to the null-terminated string that contains the name
               of the device driver.
achDeviceName  Points to the null-terminated string that identifies the
               particular device (for example, its model number). This
               string must not exceed 32 bytes. Valid names are defined by
               device drivers.
pszName        Points to the null-terminated string that contains the
               printer name.
flOptions      Specifies whether the function should display a dialog box
               that allows the user to change job properties, display two
               dialog boxes that allow the user to change job and printer
               properties, or simply return the current job properties. This
               parameter can be one of the following values:
               Value              Meaning
               DPDM_POSTJOBPROP   Display a dialog box that allows the user
                                  to change job properties. The default
                                  values for this dialog box are taken from
                                  the PM_SPOOLER_DD section of the os2.ini
                                  file if the pszName parameter specifies a
                                  logical address. If pszName is NULL, the
                                  default values are taken from the
                                  pbDriverData parameter.
               DPDM_CHANGEPROP    Display two dialog boxes. The first dialog
                                  box allows the user to change job
                                  properties; the second allows the user to
                                  change printer properties. The default
                                  values for these dialog boxes are taken
                                  from the PM_SPOOLER_DD section of the
                                  os2.ini file. The function returns the new
                                  values in the pbDriverData parameter. The
                                  pszName parameter cannot be NULL when this
                                  option is selected.
               DPDM_QUERYJOBPROP  Return the current job properties.
Return Value
The return value, if the pbDriverData parameter is NULL, is the size (in
bytes) required for the data buffer, DPDM_NONE if there are no settable
options, or DPDM_ERROR if an error occurs.
The return value, if pbDriverData is not NULL, is DEV_OK if the function is
successful, DPDM_NONE if there is no device mode, or DPDM_ERROR if an error
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
See Also