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GpiCreateLogColorTable (1.2)
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BOOL GpiCreateLogColorTable(hps, flOptions, lFormat, iStart, clTable,
HPS hps; /* presentation-space handle */
ULONG flOptions; /* options */
LONG lFormat; /* format of entries */
LONG iStart; /* starting index */
LONG clTable; /* number of entries in table */
PLONG alTable; /* address of array for table */
The GpiCreateLogColorTable function creates a logical color table. The
logical color table has the format specified by lFormat, with the initial
value of each entry specified by the array alTable.
Parameter Description
hps Identifies the presentation space.
flOptions Specifies whether the logical color table uses pure, realizable,
or default color values. It can be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
0x0000 Creates a logical color table having the entries
specified by alTable. The logical color table
entries map to existing device colors in the
physical palette or to dithered colors if no
matching device color is in the palette. This
means the table is not realized and does not
require pure colors.
LCOL_PURECOLOR Creates a logical color table whose entries map
to pure (nondithered) colors only. If not given,
the function creates a color table whose entries
map to dithered colors if the physical palette
does not contain matching device colors.
LCOL_REALIZABLE Creates a logical color table that can be
realized by using the GpiRealizeColorTable
function. Until the logical color table is
realized, colors in the table map to the
existing device colors in the physical palette.
This option is useful only for devices that
permit realization of logical color tables.
LCOL_RESET Resets all entries in the logical color table to
default values before initializing the entries
specified by the alTable parameter. This option
is useful for quickly initializing all entries
without supplying initial values for every
element in alTable.
lFormat Specifies the logical color table format. It can be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
LCOLF_CONSECRGB Creates a color table having consecutive
entries. The first entry has the index specified
by iStart.
LCOLF_INDRGB Creates a color table. The entries are not
required to be consecutive. The alTable array
specifies both the index and RGB color value for
each entry.
LCOLF_RGB Enables direct RGB color mapping. Applications
use RGB values instead of color indexes to
specify the colors in subsequent drawing
iStart Specifies the color index of the first entry for a color table
having LCOLF_CONSECRGB format. If LCOLF_CONSECRGB is not given,
this parameter is ignored.
clTable Specifies the number of elements in the array alTable. If the
format LCOLF_INDRGB is given, this parameter must be an even
number (that is, two elements for each entry). If LCOL_RESET or
LCOLF_RGB is given, this parameter can be zero.
alTable Specifies the start address of the array that contains the color
table entries. The format depends on the value of lFormat, as
Value Format
LCOLF_CONSECRGB Each element is a 4-byte RGB color value.
LCOLF_INDRGB Each pair of elements contains a 4-byte color
index and a 4-byte RGB color value, in that
LCOLF_RGB No elements required.
Return Value
The return value is GPI_OK if the function is successful or GPI_ERROR if an
error occurred.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
Although GpiCreateLogColorTable can create a realizable color table, it does
not realize the colors. Until the color table is realized by using the
GpiRealizeColorTable function, the logical color table entries are mapped to
the existing colors in the physical palette. Realizing the logical color
table causes the physical palette colors to be replaced with the realized
colors for the logical color table entries.
The default physical palette contains at least the standard 16 PC colors
(unless this is not physically possible). If a device supports more than 16
colors, the physical palette may have additional colors, but there is no
guarantee that these additional colors are the same on every device.
This example uses the GpiCreateLogColorTable function to create a logical
color table, using data from the previous logical color table:
ULONG alTable[16]; /* assume 16 entries */
/* retrieve the current table */
GpiQueryLogColorTable(hps, 0L, 0L, 16L, alTable);
alTable[1] = 0x000080; /* change the second entry to light blue */
GpiCreateLogColorTable(hps, /* presentation space */
0L, /* no special options */
LCOLF_CONSECRGB, /* consecutive RGB values */
0L, /* start with color index 0 */
16, /* 16 entries */
alTable); /* RGB color values */
See Also
DevQueryCaps, GpiErase, GpiQueryColorData, GpiQueryLogColorTable,
GpiRealizeColorTable, GpiSetBitmapBits, WinSetSysColors, WinGetLastError