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GpiFullArc (1.2)
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LONG GpiFullArc(hps, flFlags, fxMultiplier)
HPS hps; /* presentation-space handle */
LONG flFlags; /* fill and outline indicator */
FIXED fxMultiplier; /* arc-size multiplier */
The GpiFullArc function creates a full arc. A full arc is a complete circle
or ellipse, drawn by using the current arc parameters. The function first
scales the width and height of the arc by using the multipier specified by
the fxMultiplier parameter, then draws either the outline of the arc, the
interior of the arc, or both, depending on the flags specified by the
flFlags parameter.
The function uses the current position as the center of the arc but does not
change the current position. The function uses the arc parameters to
determine whether to draw the full arc clockwise or counterclockwise. When
an arc is used as part of an area or path, the direction in which the arc is
drawn can affect how it is filled.
Parameter Description
hps Identifies the presentation space.
flFlags Specifies whether to fill and/or outline the arc. It can be
one of the following values:
Value Meaning
DRO_FILL Fills the interior of the arc with the
current fill pattern.
DRO_OUTLINE Draws the outline of the arc by using the
current line style and color.
DRO_OUTLINEFILL Draws the outline and fills the arc
Do not use DRO_FILL or DRO_OUTLINEFILL when using GpiFullArc
in an area bracket.
fxMultiplier Specifies how much to scale the width and height of the arc.
It must be a fixed-point value in the range 1 through 255 (or
in the range 0x10000 through 0xFF0000 if expressed as 32-bit
values). This means the function can scale the arc from 1 to
255 times the current arc-parameter dimensions.
Return Value
The return value is GPI_OK or GPI_HITS if the function is successful (it is
GPI_HITS if the detectable attribute is set for the presentation space and a
correlation hit occurs). The return value is GPI_ERROR if an error occurs.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
When correlating an arc, the system generates a hit if the arc boundary
intersects the pick aperture. If the pick aperture is inside the arc, the
system generates a hit only if the interior of the arc has been filled.
This example uses GpiFullArc to draw five concentric circles. The arc
parameters are set before drawing the arc. Only the outline is drawn for the
ARCPARAMS arcp = { 1, 1, 0, 0 };
GpiSetArcParams(hps, &arcp);
for (i = 5; i > 0; i --)
GpiFullArc(hps, /* presentation-space handle */
DRO_OUTLINE, /* outline */
MAKEFIXED(i, 0)); /* converts integer to fixed point */
See Also
GpiMove, GpiPointArc, GpiQueryArcParams, GpiSetArcParams, GpiSetAttrs,
GpiSetColor, GpiSetCurrentPosition, GpiSetLineType, WinGetLastError