gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
GpiQueryCharStringPos (1.2)
Function Group  Overview  Changes               Up Next Previous
BOOL GpiQueryCharStringPos(hps, flOptions, cchString, pchString, adx,
HPS hps;            /* presentation-space handle                 */
ULONG flOptions;    /* option flags                              */
LONG cchString;     /* length of the string                      */
PCH pchString;      /* address of string to examine              */
PLONG adx;          /* address of array for increment values     */
PPOINTL aptl;       /* address of array of structures for points */
The GpiQueryCharStringPos function determines a position for each character
in the string pointed to by the pchString parameter. Each position is the
position of the character in world coordinates as if it were drawn by using
the GpiCharStringPos function.
The GpiQueryCharStringPos function copies the character positions to the
array of structures pointed to by the aptl parameter. It uses the current
character attributes or the array of vector increments specified by the adx
parameter to determine the positions. The function cannot be used in an open
segment when the drawing mode is DM_RETAIN.
Parameter  Description
hps        Identifies the presentation space.
flOptions  Specifies whether to use the vector increments specified by the
           adx parameter. It can be one of the following values:
           Value       Meaning
           0           Advances the current position after each character by
                       using the width of the character. The adx parameter
                       is ignored.
           CHS_VECTOR  Advances the current position after each character by
                       using the next value in the array adx. The current
                       character direction defines the direction in which
                       the current position is advanced.
cchString  Specifies the length of the string pointed to by the pchString
pchString  Points to the character string to examine.
adx        Points to an array of increment values. Each value is a 4-byte
           signed integer specifying the distance (in world coordinates) to
           advance the current position for each character. There must be
           one value for each character in the string. The first element
           specifies the distance for the first character, the second
           element for the second character, and so on. This parameter may
           be NULL if the flOptions parameter is set to zero.
aptl       Points to the array of POINTL structures that receives the
           position (in world coordinates) of each character in the string.
           The array must be large enough for each character in the string,
           plus one final point that contains the position of the first
           character that follows the string.
Return Value
The return value is GPI_OK if the function is successful or GPI_ERROR if an
error occurred.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
This example calls the GpiQueryCharStringPos function to determine the
location of each character in the string. Vector increments are not used.
CHAR szString[] = "Sample string";
POINTL aptl[sizeof(szString) + 1];
GpiQueryCharStringPos(hps,     /* presentation-space handle      */
    0L,                        /* does not use vector increments */
    sizeof(szString),          /* number of characters in string */
    szString,                  /* character string               */
    (PLONG) NULL,              /* no vector increments           */
    aptl);                     /* array of structures for points */
See Also
GpiCharStringPos, GpiQueryCharStringPosAt, GpiSetDrawingMode, POINTL