gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GpiQueryCp (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
USHORT GpiQueryCp(hps)
HPS hps;    /* presentation-space handle */
The GpiQueryCp function returns the identifier of the current graphics code
page, as set by the GpiSetCp function. The system uses the current graphics
code-page identifier as the default code-page identifier when the
GpiCreateLogFont function selects fonts.
Parameter  Description
hps        Identifies the presentation space.
Return Value
The return value is the currently selected graphics code-page identifier if
the function is successful, or GPI_ERROR if an error occurred.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
See Also
GpiCreateLogFont, GpiQueryFontMetrics, GpiSetCp