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GpiSetDefViewingLimits (1.2)
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BOOL GpiSetDefViewingLimits(hps, prclLimits)
HPS hps; /* presentation-space handle */
PRECTL prclLimits; /* pointer to structure with viewing limits */
The GpiSetDefViewingLimits function sets the default viewing limits. The
default viewing limits define the values given to the viewing limits of a
presentation space whenever that presentation space is reset. (The viewing
limits specify a rectangle in model space that the system uses to clip
output.) A presentation space can be reset using the GpiResetPS function.
Parameter Description
hps Identifies the presentation space.
prclLimits Points to the RECTL structure that contains the coordinates of
the default viewing limits.
Return Value
The return value is GPI_OK if the function is successful or GPI_ERROR if an
error occurs.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
Setting the default viewing limits does not immediately affect the
viewing-limits parameters. The system uses the default viewing limits only
when the presentation space is reset. The default viewing limits are reset
when the presentation space is reset using the GRES_SEGMENT or GRES_ALL
options of the GpiResetPS function. The reset values for the default viewing
limits are all of model space, meaning nothing is clipped.
See Also
GpiQueryDefViewingLimits, GpiSetViewingLimits, RECTL