gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Coordinate-space and transformation functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
GpiConvert                      Converts an array of coordinate pairs
GpiQueryDefaultViewMatrix       Retrieves the default viewing
GpiQueryModelTransformMatrix    Retrieves the model transformation
GpiQueryPageViewport            Retrieves the coordinates of a page viewport
GpiQuerySegmentTransformMatrix  Retrieves a segment-transformation matrix
GpiQueryViewingTransformMatrix  Retrieves a viewing-transformation
GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix         Sets default viewing transformation
GpiSetModelTransformMatrix      Sets the model-transformation matrix
GpiSetPageViewport              Sets the coordinates of a page viewport
GpiSetSegmentTransformMatrix    Sets a segment-transformation matrix
GpiSetViewingTransformMatrix    Sets the viewing-transformation matrix