help.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Notes  Examples
Starts the Interlnk server.
    INTERSVR [drive:[...]] [/X=drive:[...]] [/LPT:[n|address]]
    [/COM:[n|address]] [/BAUD:rate] [/B] [/V]
To copy Interlnk files from one computer to another, use the following
    Specifies the letter(s) of the drive(s) that will be redirected. By
    default, all drives are redirected.
    Specifies the letter(s) of drive(s) that will not be redirected. By
    default, all drives are redirected.
    Specifies a parallel port to use. The n parameter specifies the number
    of the parallel port. The address parameter specifies the address of the
    parallel port. If you omit n or address, the Interlnk server uses the
    first parallel port that it finds connected to the client. If you
    specify the /LPT switch and omit the /COM switch, the server searches
    only for parallel ports. By default, all parallel and serial ports are
    Specifies a serial port to use. The n parameter specifies the number of
    the serial port. The address parameter specifies the address of the
    serial port. If you omit n or address, the Interlnk server searches all
    serial ports and uses the first port that it finds connected to the
    client. If you specify the /COM switch and omit the /LPT switch, the
    server searches only for serial ports. By default, all parallel and
    serial ports are scanned.
    Sets a maximum serial baud rate. Valid values for rate are 9600, 19200,
    38400, 57600, and 115200. The default value is 115200.
    Displays the Interlnk server screen in black and white. Use this switch
    if you have problems reading your monochrome monitor.
    Prevents conflicts with a computer's timer. Use this switch if you have
    a serial connection between computers and one of them stops running when
    you use Interlnk to access a drive or printer port.
    Copies Interlnk files from one computer to another, provided that the
    computers are connected with a 7-wire, null-modem serial cable and that
    the <MODE> command is available on the computer where you are installing
Related Commands
For more information about Interlnk, see <INTERLNK> and <INTERLNK.EXE>.