HELPMAKE Help (helpmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
HELPMAKE Command Line
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─────HELPMAKE Command Line──────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Command-Line Syntax
     HELPMAKE [options] { /E[n] | /D[c] | /H | /? } { sourcefiles }
     <options>       Options can appear anywhere on the command line.
                     See: HELPMAKE Options
     </E | /D>       Encode (/E) or decode (/D) option. One or the
                     other must be specified unless you request help
                     with the help options.
                     When using the encode option, you must use the /O
                     option to specify the file name of the help
                     database created.
                     See: Encode (/E)
                          Decode (/D)
                          Specify Output File (/O)
     </H | /?>       Help options.
                     See: Display Help (/H)
                          Display Summary (/?)
     <sourcefiles>   One or more input files. Separate file names with
                     a space. Operating-system wild-card characters
                     (*, ?) can be used to specify multiple files. This
                     field is required.
                     If you use the decode option, enter the names of
                     one or more help databases. If you use the encode
                     option, enter the names of one or more help source
     NOTE: HELPMAKE does not provide default file-name extensions. Some
           Microsoft applications that use help database files require
           the .HLP extension.