ILINK Help (ilink.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Files Required by ILINK
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─────Files Required by ILINK────────────────────────────────────────────────
     To incrementally link an executable or dynamic-link library file,
     the following files are required:
     File                    Description
     LINK.EXE                The LINK and ILINK utilities. These files
     ILINK.EXE               should be in the current directory or
     ILNKSTUB.OVL            in a directory in the PATH environment
     projname.EXE or         The executable or dynamic-link library
     projname.DLL            file to be incrementally linked. This
                             file should be in the current directory.
     projname.SYM and        The ILINK symbol file and support file.
     projname.ILK            These files are generated by the full
                             linker (LINK) when linking with the /INC
                             option. These files should be in the
                             current directory.
     Object files (.OBJ)     Object files for all modules in the
                             project. These files should be in the
                             current directory or a directory in the
                             LIB environment variable.