ioctl12.hlp (Topic list)
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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
IOCtl functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overviews  Changes             Up Next Previous
ASYNC_GETBAUDRATE         Retrieves the baud rate
ASYNC_GETCOMMERROR        Retrieves a communications error
ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT        Retrieves a communications event mask
ASYNC_GETCOMMSTATUS       Retrieves communications status
ASYNC_GETDCBINFO          Retrieves device-control-block information
ASYNC_GETINQUECOUNT       Retrieves number of characters in the input queue
ASYNC_GETLINECTRL         Retrieves line characteristics of a serial device
ASYNC_GETLINESTATUS       Retrieves the line status
ASYNC_GETMODEMINPUT       Retrieves the modem-control register
ASYNC_GETMODEMOUTPUT      Retrieves modem-control output signals
ASYNC_GETOUTQUECOUNT      Retrieves number of characters in the output queue
ASYNC_SETBAUDRATE         Sets the baud rate
ASYNC_SETBREAKOFF         Turns off the break character
ASYNC_SETBREAKON          Turns on the break character
ASYNC_SETDCBINFO          Sets device-control-block information
ASYNC_SETLINECTRL         Sets line characteristics for a serial device
ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL        Sets the modem-control register
ASYNC_STARTTRANSMIT       Starts a transmission
ASYNC_STOPTRANSMIT        Stops a device from transmitting
ASYNC_TRANSMITIMM         Transmits a byte immediately
DEV_FLUSHINPUT            Flushes the input buffer
DEV_FLUSHOUTPUT           Flushes the output buffer
DEV_QUERYMONSUPPORT       Queries monitor support
DSK_BLOCKREMOVABLE        Indicates whether a block device is removable
DSK_FORMATVERIFY          Formats and verifies a track
DSK_GETDEVICEPARAMS       Retrieves device parameters
DSK_GETLOGICALMAP         Retrieves a logical map
DSK_LOCKDRIVE             Locks a disk drive
DSK_READTRACK             Reads a track
DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA      Redetermines the media
DSK_SETDEVICEPARAMS       Sets device parameters
DSK_SETLOGICALMAP         Sets a logical map
DSK_SYNC                  Synchronizes disk operations
DSK_UNLOCKDRIVE           Unlocks a drive
DSK_VERIFYTRACK           Verifies a track
DSK_WRITETRACK            Writes a track
KBD_CREATE                Creates a logical keyboard
KBD_DESTROY               Destroys a logical keyboard
KBD_GETCODEPAGEID         Retrieves the keyboard code-page identifier
KBD_GETINPUTMODE          Retrieves the input mode
KBD_GETINTERIMFLAG        Retrieves interim-character flags
KBD_GETKEYBDTYPE          Retrieves the keyboard type
KBD_GETSESMGRHOTKEY       Retrieves hot-key information
KBD_GETSHIFTSTATE         Retrieves the shift state of the logical keyboard
KBD_PEEKCHAR              Peeks a character data record or records
KBD_READCHAR              Reads a character data record or records
KBD_SETFGNDSCREENGRP      Sets the foreground screen group
KBD_SETFOCUS              Sets the keyboard focus
KBD_SETINPUTMODE          Sets the input mode
KBD_SETINTERIMFLAG        Sets interim-character flags
KBD_SETKCB                Binds a logical keyboard to the physical keyboard
KBD_SETNLS                Sets national language support & custom code pages
KBD_SETSESMGRHOTKEY       Sets hot keys
KBD_SETSHIFTSTATE         Sets the shift state of the default keyboard
KBD_SETTRANSTABLE         Sets a keystroke translation table
KBD_SETTYPAMATICRATE      Sets the typamatic rate and delay
KBD_XLATESCAN             Translates a scan code to an ASCII character
MON_REGISTERMONITOR       Registers a monitor
MOU_ALLOWPTRDRAW          Allows pointer drawing after a screen switch
MOU_DRAWPTR               Removes an exclusion rectangle
MOU_DISPLAYMODECHANGE     Notifies the mouse that a mode change is complete
MOU_GETBUTTONCOUNT        Retrieves the number of mouse buttons
MOU_GETEVENTMASK          Retrieves the event mask of the mouse
MOU_GETHOTKEYBUTTON       Retrieves a system hot-key button
MOU_GETMICKEYCOUNT        Retrieves the number of mickeys per centimeter
MOU_GETMOUSTATUS          Retrieves the status of the mouse device driver
MOU_GETPTRPOS             Retrieves position of mouse pointer on the screen
MOU_GETPTRSHAPE           Retrieves the shape of the mouse pointer
MOU_GETQUESTATUS          Retrieves the status of the event queue
MOU_GETSCALEFACTORS       Retrieves current scaling factors for the mouse
MOU_READEVENTQUE          Reads the event queue for the mouse
MOU_REMOVEPTR             Specifies an exclusion rectangle
MOU_SCREENSWITCH          Notifies the mouse of a screen switch
MOU_SETEVENTMASK          Sets an event mask
MOU_SETHOTKEYBUTTON       Sets a system hot-key button
MOU_SETMOUSTATUS          Sets the mouse status flags
MOU_SETPROTDRAWADDRESS    Sets the protected-mode pointer-draw address
MOU_SETPTRPOS             Sets the screen position of the mouse pointer
MOU_SETPTRSHAPE           Sets the shape of the mouse pointer
MOU_SETREALDRAWADDRESS    Sets the real-mode pointer-draw address
MOU_SETSCALEFACTORS       Sets the scaling factors for the mouse
MOU_UPDATEDISPLAYMODE     Updates the screen display mode
MOU_VER                   Returns the mouse version number
PDSK_GETPHYSDEVICEPARAMS  Retrieves physical device parameters
PDSK_LOCKPHYSDRIVE        Locks a physical drive
PDSK_READPHYSTRACK        Reads a physical track
PDSK_UNLOCKPHYSDRIVE      Unlocks a physical drive
PDSK_VERIFYPHYSTRACK      Verifies I/O on a physical track
PDSK_WRITEPHYSTRACK       Writes a physical track
PRT_ACTIVATEFONT          Activates a font for printing
PRT_GETFRAMECTL           Retrieves frame-control information
PRT_GETINFINITERETRY      Retrieves an infinite-retry setting
PRT_GETPRINTERSTATUS      Retrieves the status of a printer
PRT_INITPRINTER           Initializes a printer
PRT_QUERYACTIVEFONT       Retrieves the identifier of an active font
PRT_SETFRAMECTL           Sets frame-control information
PRT_SETINFINITERETRY      Sets an infinite-retry setting
PRT_VERIFYFONT            Verifies a printer's font
PTR_GETPTRDRAWADDRESS     Retrieves the pointer-draw address
SCR_ALLOCLDT              Allocates an LDT selector
SCR_ALLOCLDTOFF           Allocates an LDT selector with offset
SCR_DEALLOCLDT            Deallocates an LDT selector