The Microsoft Input/Output Stream Classes (iostream.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──The Microsoft iostream Classes────────────────────────────────────────────
  istream& getline( char* pch, int nCount, char delim = '\n' );
  istream& getline( unsigned char* puch, int nCount, char delim = '\n' );
  istream& getline( signed char* psch, int nCount, char delim = '\n' );
  Parameter         Description
  <pch>, <puch>, <psch>
                    A pointer to a character array.
  <nCount>          The maximum number of characters to store, including
                    the terminating NULL.
  <delim>           The delimiter character (defaults to newline).
  Extracts characters from the stream until either the delimiter <delim>
  is found, the limit <nCount>-1 is reached, or end of file is reached.
  The characters are stored in the specified array followed by a null
  terminator. If the delimiter is found, it is extracted but not stored.
  The get function, in contrast, neither extracts nor stores the
  See Also
  istream::get, istream::read