◄ostrstream► ◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ──The Microsoft iostream Classes──────────────────────────────────────────── ostrstream(); ostrstream( char* pch, int nLength, int nMode = ios::out ); Parameter Description <pch> A character array that is large enough to accommodate future output stream activity. <nLength> The size (in characters) of <pch>. If 0, then <pch> is assumed to point to a null-terminated array and strlen( <pch> ) is used as the length; if less than 0, then the array is assumed to have infinite length. <nMode> The stream-creation mode. Must be one of the following enumerators as defined in class ios: Value Meaning ios::out Default; storing begins at <pch> ios::ate The <pch> parameter is assumed to be a null-terminated array; storing begins at the NULL character ios::app Same as ios::ate Remarks The first constructor makes an ostrstream object that uses an internal, dynamic buffer. The second constructor makes an ostrstream object out of the first <nLength> characters of the <pch> buffer. The stream will not accept characters once the length reaches <nLength>. -♦-