The Microsoft Input/Output Stream Classes (iostream.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──The Microsoft iostream Classes────────────────────────────────────────────
  ostream* tie( ostream* pos );
  ostream* tie() const;
  Parameter   Description
  <pos>       A pointer to an ostream object.
  The first overloaded tie function ties this stream to the specified
  ostream and returns the value of the previous tie pointer (NULL if this
  stream was not previously tied). A stream tie enables automatic flushing
  of the ostream in response to (1) a need for more characters or (2) the
  presence of characters to be consumed.
  By default, cin is initially tied to cout so that attempts to get more
  characters from standard input may result in flushing standard output.
  In addition, cerr and clog are tied to cout by default.
  The second function returns the value of the previous tie pointer (NULL
  if this stream was not previously tied).