LINK Help (linker.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
/PACKC Option
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     Syntax:  /PACKC[ODE][:number]
     The /PACKC option turns on code-segment packing. Code-segment
     packing is on by default for segmented executable files and for
     DOS programs created with overlays or with the /TINY option. It is
     off by default for other DOS programs. You can use /NOPACKC to
     override /PACKC. /PACKC produces slightly faster and more compact
     code. It affects only programs with multiple code segments.
     See: /NOPACKC Option
     LINK packs physical code segments by grouping neighboring logical
     code segments that have the same attributes. Segments in a group
     are given the same segment address; offset addresses are adjusted
     accordingly. All items have the same physical address whether or
     not /PACKC is used. However, /PACKC changes the segment and offset
     addresses so that all items in a group share the same segment.
     Specify <number> in bytes to set the maximum size of groups formed
     by /PACKC. The default is 64K - 36 bytes. When LINK cannot add
     another segment without exceeding <number>, it forms a new group.
     See: Entering Numeric Arguments
     Code-segment packing provides more opportunities for far-call
     optimization (enabled with the /FARCALL option). /PACKC and
     /FARCALL together produce faster and more compact code. However,
     this combination is not recommended for Windows applications.
     See: /FARCALL Option
     WARNING:  /PACKC can be unsafe for assembly-language programs
                   that make assumptions about the relative order of
                   code segments.