LINK Help (linker.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
/PACKD Option
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     Syntax:  /PACKD[ATA][:number]
     The /PACKD option turns on data-segment packing. LINK considers
     to be a data segment any segment definition with a class name that
     does not end in CODE. Data-segment packing combines adjacent data-
     segment definitions into the same physical segment.
     Specify <number> in bytes to set the maximum size for physical
     data segments formed by /PACKD. The default is 64K. When LINK
     cannot add another segment without exceeding <number>, it forms a
     new segment.
     See: Entering Numeric Arguments
     /PACKD produces slightly faster and more compact code. It affects
     only programs with multiple data segments and is valid only for
     segmented executable files. It might be necessary to use /PACKD to
     get around the limit of 254 physical data segments per executable
     file imposed by an operating system. If you get LINK error L1073
     "file-segment limit exceeded", try using /PACKD.