LINK Help (linker.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
<exefile> Field
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     You can specify a name for the main output file in the <exefile>
     field. You can specify a path with the filename. If you do not
     specify <exefile>, the default is the base name of the first
     object file plus the appropriate extension:
        ■ .EXE, if no options are specified
        ■ .COM, when specifying the /TINY option
        ■ .DLL, when using a .DEF file containing a LIBRARY statement
        ■ .QLB, when specifying the /Q option
     See: /Q Option
          /TINY Option
          LIBRARY Statement
     LINK uses the <exefile> base name as the default base name for
        ■ The map file (.MAP), if created
        ■ The .DBG file created when both /CO and /TINY are specified
     See: /CO Option
          <mapfile> Field