LINK Help (linker.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
<deffile> Field
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     Use the <deffile> field to specify a module-definition (.DEF)
     file. A .DEF file is required for an overlaid DOS program or a
     DLL. It is optional for a Windows application. LINK assumes a .DEF
     extension. If the filename has no extension, put a period (.) at
     the end of the name.
     By default, LINK assumes that a .DEF file must be specified. To
     link without a .DEF file, use a semicolon (;) to terminate the
     command line before the <deffile> field (or accept the default
     NUL.DEF at the Definitions File prompt).
     LINK searches for the .DEF file in the directory specified for the
     file, if a path is included, or in the current directory.
     See: Module-Definition Files