LINK Help (linker.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Output for a Segmented Executable File
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     The first part of the EXEHDR output for a segmented executable
     file appears as follows:
          Initial CS:IP:
          Initial SS:SP:
          Extra stack allocation:
     The output differs slightly for a DLL.
     See: Output for a DLL
     At the end of the list of fields, EXEHDR displays any module flags
     that were set for every segment in the module. For example,
     PROTMODE may appear.
     The message "Error in image" may appear at the end of the list of
     fields. If an error occurred during linking, LINK sets the error
     bit in the header. To clear the bit, use EXEHDR's /RESET option.
     See: /RESET Option
     EXEHDR then displays the segment table. All values except the
     segment index number are in hexadecimal. The table headings are:
          no.   type   address   file   mem   flags
     Following the segment table, EXEHDR displays a table of exports if
     they exist. The table headings are:
          ord   seg   offset   name