LINK Help (linkx.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
LINK Prompts
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─────LINK Prompts───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     LINK prompts you if any fields are missing or invalid. For each
     prompt, enter the same input that you would enter on the command
     line or in a response file, then press ENTER. To have LINK prompt
     you for every field, type LINK by itself and press ENTER.
     LINK Prompt                     Field
     Object Modules [.OBJ]:          <objfiles>
     Run File [basename.EXE]:        <exefile>
     List File [NUL.MAP]:            <mapfile>
     Libraries [.LIB]:               <libraries>
     Definitions File [NUL.DEF]:     <deffile>
     To extend a long <objfiles> or <libraries> response to a new line,
     type a plus sign (+) as the last character on the current line.
     When the same prompt appears on a new line, you can continue. Do
     not split a filename across lines.
     Defaults are displayed in square brackets in each prompt. If you
     specify a filename without an extension, LINK adds a default
     extension for the type of file expected. To specify a filename
     without an extension, enter a period (.) after the filename. LINK
     assumes a default response for any blank field except <objfiles>.
        ■ To select the default response to a prompt, press ENTER in a
          blank field. The next prompt appears.
        ■ To select default responses for all remaining prompts, enter
          a semicolon (;) in the field.
     Options can be entered anywhere in any field.
     See: LINK Options List
          Using LINK Options
     You can specify a response file in any prompt field. The response
     file can supply input for one or more consecutive fields or all
     remaining fields.
     See: LINK Response File