LINK Help (linkx.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
/MAP Option
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─────/MAP Option────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Syntax:  /M[AP]
     The /MAP option adds to the map file all public (global) symbols
     defined in object files. When /MAP is specified, the map file
     contains a list of all symbols sorted by name and a list of all
     symbols sorted by address. If you do not use this option, the map
     file contains only a list of segments.
     If you also want to add line numbers to the map file, use the
     /LINE option.
     See: /LINE Option
     The /MAP option forces LINK to create a map file even if you did
     not explicitly tell LINK to do so. By default, LINK gives the map
     file the same base name as the executable file and the extension
     .MAP. You can override the default name by specifying a new name
     in the <mapfile> field.
     Under some circumstances, adding symbols slows the linking
     process. If this is a problem, do not use /MAP.