Windows Multimedia DDK (mddkqh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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        This structure contains information needed by a MIDI input or
        MIDI output device driver when devices are opened with a
        MODM_OPEN or MIDM_OPEN message.
        typedef struct midiopendesc_tag {
            HANDLE hMidi;
            DWORD dwCallback;
            DWORD dwInstance;
        HANDLE hMidi
            Specifies the client's handle to the device, assigned by
            MMSYSTEM. Use this handle when notifying the client with
            the DriverCallback function.
        DWORD dwCallback
            Specifies either the address of a callback function, a
            window handle, or a task handle, depending on the flags
            specified in the dwParam2 parameter of the MODM_OPEN or
            MIDM_OPEN message. If this field contains a handle it is
            contained in the low-order word. The driver uses this
            information to notify the client using the DriverCallback
        DWORD dwInstance
            Specifies a DWORD of instance information for the client.
            This instance information is returned to the client whenever
            the driver notifies the client using the DriverCallback
See also